There are currently five options for retirement. Employees must meet the age and service requirements under each category. Age and service requirements will differ for CSRS and FERS; therefore, employees should utilize the Benefits Line by calling EBIS or going to the site to obtain detailed information:
Voluntary/Optional Retirement is available to employees who have met the age and service requirements to retire voluntarily with an immediate annuity without any reduction.
Voluntary Early Retirement Authority (VERA)/Voluntary Separation Incentive Payments (VSIP) is an option used to assist an agency in completing a major personnel or workload change, such as a major Reduction-in-Force, with minimum disruption (otherwise known as an “early out” option).
Discontinued Service Retirement (DSR) is a type of retirement available to employees who are involuntarily separated and who receive a written notice of involuntary separation. The involuntary separation cannot be due to misconduct.
Deferred Retirement is a type of retirement where employees separate from government service prior to meeting the age and service requirements necessary for immediate annuity.
Disability Retirement is an option of retirement available to employees who are unable to perform the duties of their position due to a physical or mental disability that is expected to last at least one (1) year. The disability does not have to be work related in order to receive an annuity from OPM.