In 2000, General Charles Krulak, 31st Commandant of the Marine Corps, first used the term “Civilian Marines.” Since then, it has come to describe the special service that the civilian workforce provides to the Marine Corps Total Force structure.
Civilian Marines are in integral part of the Marine Corps structure and, as such, they are uniquely positioned to contribute special talents and capabilities in support of our nation’s defense. Each Civilian Marine makes a unique contribution to his or her command’s specific mission.
Civilians allow the Marine Corps to remain the nation’s “force in readiness” and to continue fulfilling its Congressionally-mandated mission of “being the most ready when the nation is least ready.” Without civilian support, the mission of the Marine Corps would be severely compromised. In partnership with Marines, Civilian Marines will continue to play an important role in support the Marine Corps mission worldwide.
(To learn more, register for the acclaimed Marine Acculturation Program)