For the New Hire that is joining your staff, the onboarding process consists of five phases. It begins at the moment they have accepted the job offer and encompasses their entire first year of employment. The five phases vary in length but represent critical steps in the onboarding experience.
The Five Phases
Phase 1: Before They Arrive
Before your New Hire begins their career as a Civilian Marine, you should be preparing the office for their arrival. This preparation should include both physical (office space, technology, etc) and procedural (work plans, training resources, etc) elements.
Phase 2: The First Day
When your New Hire arrives for their Entrance on Duty (EOD), your local HROM specialists will help them through the technical aspects of their arrival. After they have completed this initial in-processing, you should begin the process of introducing them to your office, the work that they will be doing, and the facilities in which they’ll be working.
Phase 3: The First Week
There will most likely be in-processing requirements that still need attention throughout the New Hire’s first week. In addition to these, you should ensure that they are completing mandatory training, learning about the requirements of their work, and interacting with both their new colleagues and leaders.
Phase 4: The First 90 Days
By this time, they should have full access to all their online accounts and will be able to manage personnel records and individual benefits programs.
Phase 5: The First Year
There are a variety of opportunities available to Civilian Marines. Along with the Civilian Marine community, your office should be committed to supporting New Hires in their personal and professional development during their first year and beyond.